- About Me
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- Lesson Plans and Syllabus
- Supply List
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- Curriculum Guide
- Class Schedule
- Remind Codes
My name is Kristie Mitchell and I have taught in Dothan City and Oxford City Schools for many, many years. I am starting my fifth year at Dale County High School. I am beyond excited to be here because Dale County is where my husband started his teaching career 29 years ago. It is like coming HOME!
I see many familiar faces. I have taught anything from AP Biology to Anatomy. I am married and we have two children. Grace (25) graduated from The University of Alabama with an engineering degree and Brock (21) is a senior at The University of Alabama majoring in Marketing/Real Estate Finance. I have two Grand-Doodles, Rex and Harley.
On the weekends, I enjoy any activity outside, such as hanging out with family and friends at the lake or beach. We LOVE to saltwater fish in the summer and snow ski in the winter. In the fall, you will catch me most Saturdays in Tuscaloosa cheering ROLL TIDE! Looking forward to an AWESOME year!!! Go, WARRIORS!
email: kmitchell@dalecountyboe.org
phone: 334-983-3541
Remind Codes:
Science Class Supply List
• 1 inch – 3 Ring Binder
• Loose-leaf paper – No College ruled
• #2 Pencils
• Pens (Blue/Black)
• Colored Pencils


Biology 9th grade
Anatomy 12th grade